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jan15.08 [[ frustration ]]
jan13.08 [[ goodbye&hello ]]
jan9.08 [[ unblocked ]]
dec4.07 [[ love... ]]
oct5.07 [[ singing sad songs... ]]
sept15.07 [[ vicious cycle of you ]]
june1.07 [[ after ]]
may14.07 [[ before ]]
apr15.07 [[ advice ]]
apr12.07 [[ love letter to no one ]]
apr2.07 [[ stupid people... ]]


I am missing you so much right now.


            I need you and I don’t exactly know why. I shouldn’t and, if it were up to me, I wouldn’t. But it isn’t, so I do.


            I need to hear the sweetness of your voice, the excitement in your tone, the sweet melody that wraps each and every word you say. I need you to whisper in my ear those things that mean nothing, yet really mean everything.


            I need to be lost all over again in your eyes, like I was before. I need to see your smile, your saccharine smile, just so it could melt the hardness of my heart. I need you because hearing your laughter turns my world around, and holding your hand makes everything right. I need you to kiss away these uncried tears that have burned my eyes during countless sleepless nights that have lasted a lifetime.


            I need you because I’ve been sleeping in the arms of loneliness for too long now, and my waking moments have not been any different. I need you because, to me, you are everything that’s true, and my world had been home to too many things that weren’t true. To finally find you means the world to me.


            I need you because I’m tired. I’m tired of all the flowery words that nobody ever understood, words that were only good for making one sound intelligent, but which do not really mean anything. I’m tired of the broken promises and the cherubs’ songs. More than anything, I’m tired of being without you.


            I need you because I shouldn’t; it’s killing me to need you. Deep inside me is the burning desire not to become too dependant on anyone for anything. Then again, if I didn’t need you, I might as well be dead.


            There are a million things on my mind right now, and there are a million things happening around me, all at the same time. And yet, despite all of that, all I truly care about is you.


            I need you because we had that perfect moment, fleeting but perfect nonetheless. And at the core of me lies this belief that, somehow, we could make that moment last longer, maybe even forever.


            And it’s crazy. It’s not something sane people think about, it’s not what normal people talk about. But I don’t care; I’ve need to be crazy once more.


            I’ve always been crazy about you. As it turns out, I am in love with you. And right now I’m wishing so hard that you were here. I need you, and I don’t exactly know why.


            I am missing you so much right now.